A Municipality Based on Building Relationships and Community Involvement
Welcome to West Pelzer, a town with a neighborly, community-minded, caring attitude. Our businesses, centers of worship, education facilities, police department and government are here to serve you, neighbor. Join us in serving one another, making us all better neighbors.
Please frequent our local businesses, attend our varied events and activities, and utilize Chapman Park and the O’Dell Community Center. Be involved in local government. Serve alongside neighbors on our local boards and commissions, making us a better town, now and in the future. Serve a neighbor, be a neighbor.
Keep in mind, we are Southern Leisurely on purpose; to get to know and appreciate life in West Pelzer, “smell the roses” so to speak. We are an official bird sanctuary, notice our variety of these beautiful creatures, and the variety of bird houses they frequent. We love our dogs, we love to walk with them around town, on a leash, of course! And attend and join in our annual dog show!
Enjoy your town, neighbor and we will see you soon!
-Mayor Riddle
Hurricane Helene Status - 9/30/2024
Due to storm damage and the prolonged power outage, the West Pelzer Municipal Center and the O’Dell Community Center will be closed until power is restored. Staff members have very limited access to email and phone calls/voicemails, but all staff members continue to work on behalf of the Town and will respond as soon as they are able to access messages and contacts. The Mayor and Town Administrator have been, and continue to be, in regular contact with all available area relief agencies to keep them aware of the storm’s effects on West Pelzer and to receive updates of their progress to provide relief to our citizens. We would like to thank all of our first responders, West Pelzer Police and Maintenance Department, Anderson County Emergency Services, SC Department of Transportation, Duke Energy and especially Town of Pendleton Public Works for their kind assistance during this disaster.
With these extenuating circumstances Coffee with a Cop (10/2) and the October Council Meeting (10/8) will be postponed. Please check our website and Facebook page for the updated schedule.
SCDOT and Duke Energy continue in their efforts to restore power to the public and clear the roadway and sidewalks for safe use on Main Street/Highway 8. Because we cannot ensure the safety of the vendors and attendees of the Fall Mile Long Yard Sale at this time, the Yard Sale will be cancelled for Saturday October 5, 2024.